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Labour Day Weekend 2023

Updated: Sep 17, 2023

As published in Adventure Rider Magazine Issue #58

Cool weather & a long weekend, that must mean it is time for a camping trip plus an opportunity to test some of the gear we are planning to take on our next adventure to NZ. We did not plan to wind up taking a small dirt nap but you never know what might happen on an adventure ride.

After a slow start to the day, including a trip to Anaconda for a pillow upgrade, we finally pulled out of the driveway & joined the mad rush of traffic south bound past Bunbury. It is just as well that all roads in the south west of WA lead to Nannup

so it is not long before we can take a road less travelled, leave the tourists behind & make our way to Nannup for a lunch stop. Note to self however: Nannup hold a music festival on Labour Weekend so the town is booked out. Just as well every country town has a good bakery so instead of our usual brewery lunch a pie will have to do.

From Nannup we only have 15 min of sealed road before taking the first bush track. Finally we are on the dirt and beginning to track our way towards Pemberton where we hope to camp for the night. With minimal highway time we spend a couple of hours headed south into the Karri forests, skirting the main roads to find our way to Pemberton. Most of the trails through here are twin tracks & in pretty good condition, making for a pleasant afternoon of riding before stopping for supplies. With space at a premium travelling two up, we always plan a bottle shop stop in the town closest to our intended camp spot, to ensure a couple of cool refreshments are on hand while we cook dinner.

Of course no weekend away is complete without a couple of issues, as we left Pemberton, the engine light decided to come on for no apparent reason. The bike felt OK, no obvious issues & being a Saturday afternoon in a country town options are limited for repairs so we just keep riding. Our first camp option at the Heartbreak Crossing on the Warren River was already full so we decided to take the next road down to the river. While we found a great remote site, this was a decision with consequences as we were to learn.

While we set up camp & enjoy the serenity by the river, we should tell you a bit about us. We have both been motorcycle enthusiasts for a very long time, however in 2018 plans were hatched resulting in the purchase of the KTM 1090 Adventure, knowing it would allow us to begin to explore two up & take the back roads more.

Regan Rides is what we do, Regan rides & Leigh goes where ever the ride takes us. An opportunity presented in 2019 to take part in a KTM Rally in New Zealand & this has opened up more travel opportunities with our first 3500 km South Island tour completed in November 2022 & the next one booked for April 2023. While we both work full time jobs, this is definitely a way to fund the love of motorbike travel, taking any chance to head out whether dirt or main roads, for a day or overnight. We are extremely lucky to live where we do, within 30 minutes of leaving home we can be in the native bush & avoid main roads for the majority of our rides.

After a very pleasant evening camped with visits from a fox & wild pig, we woke to a beautiful morning. Jetboil on for coffee & breakfast, we then packed up & prepared for the haul back up the hill & back into Pemberton. First challenge, a small tree down at the bottom of the hill, which required a one wheel ride over & elicited a bad word from the pillion. However there was more to come, as the top section was rutted out. One minute, casually riding up the hill, next thing we are on the ground, bike on its side contemplating how we ended up there.

Thankfully no damage to us or the bike & the panniers definitely help with getting the bike back on 2 wheels, it was time for the driver to attempt to get going. The gum tree bark and loose gravel not helping, the easiest option was a ride back to the bottom & a second run up the hill, without the added weight of a pillion.

From there it was a pretty ride long the river to a straightforward river crossing. No dropped bikes here, just as well as we had an audience.

The rest of the day proved uneventful, tracking a line on the GPS north again to Donnelly River, a former mill town with a general store & some over friendly emus & kangaroos. Queue a kangaroo selfie opportunity for the pillion,

then north through Balingup & the Ferguson Valley to make our way home with one more stop at Grimwade for a drink and snack.

This is another former mill town, very popular free campsite with a couple of dams & plenty of areas to ride amongst the former house sites.

Check out Regan Rides on YouTube for the 2 part vlog from the weekend, including the accidental lie down to see more of the awesome scenery & trails we can ride.

We hope you enjoyed this little insight into a weekend away, keen to share more about how we pack, our travels big & small & meet more like minded travellers in this community we are lucky to be a part of.


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